Today on December 29th 2019  the last opertation day took place as previously abbounced. We were overwhelmed by all guests and would like to thank everyone for coming today. Time just flew away!

We also would like to take the chance to thank our young guests for waiving the green flag. This is the signal for the train driver to run the train. This was a great help. Keep going that way!

Next operation day will take place in April 2020 and we look forward to welcome everyone back.

Some impressions of today:

Moorbahnzug fährt in den Moorbahnhof ein

Train enters Moorbanhhof

Moorführer Christian zwischen zwei Führungen

Our Moorführer (seamp guide) Christian had all hands full to do

Andreas beim umsetzen der Lok am Moorschuppen

Andreas moves the engine to the opposite side of the train to push it into the station

Panoramabild Loren und neue Personenwagen

Car parade at the barn. Lores to the left and new passenger cars to the right

Andreas beim Umsetzen der Lok

Andreas changes the position of the engine.


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